Help Center
Need help with together.math? Check out the resources below. If you can’t find what you are looking for, reach out to us using any of the platforms at the bottom of this page.

Video Tutorials
Watch our video tutorials to see together.math in action

This video will walk you through our welcome document.
After watching it, sign in to together.math and complete the welcome document in together.math on your own.

Once you've finished the welcome document, you are welcome to try out a few of the practice problems that we have loaded in the site.
This video will show you how!

How To Use together.math
Below are a series of resources to help you get started using together.math

When you are working in together.math, you can hover over any of the buttons in the tool bar to see the description of what that button does.

While you are in together.math, you can click on the question mark icon in the upper right-hand corner for some basic tips and tricks for working in together.math documents.
"Documentation" files are available for your review in together.math to learn more about how to use the tool for topics such as calculus and quadratics.

Visit our Wiki and get detailed documentation on how to use various together.math features.