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team work makes the dream work!

by Everest

I just finished my summer internship at, in which I got to work with the main product development team on a number of features to improve the customer experience.

This internship was a major period of growth for me because I had previously had very limited experience developing as a team and had no experience with the organizational platforms uses like Jira or TypeScript, the scripting language that together.math is built on.

The features I got to work on included redesigning an administrative management interface for together.math as well as modernizing the ‘playground’ editor that is used to make embeddable demos used on the website. The work I did on the latter made it much more intuitive, user-friendly, and easier to operate and made making a playground require less coding experience and much less knowledge of the inner workings of the ts.math platform, opening up the creation of playgrounds to more people outside the main coding team.

One of the most interesting aspects of this internship for me was being able to be present at important product development meetings where together.math’s product roadmap and strategy were being decided, and I even got to weigh in and bring my perspective as a current student to the table. I also participated in bug triage, where issues and feature requests are put on a schedule and given different levels of priority based on how important the are to the product’s core experience.

Overall, I got an insight into the inner workings of a product development team that I hadn’t had before. In addition to refining and learning new technical skills, I got to see and participate in the thinking and discussions behind important product decisions, an invaluable experience that will serve me well in my future.

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